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Beginner Acoustic Guitar Lesson with Ravi Hutheesing

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Guitar Lessons for Beginners in 21 days #1 | How to play guitar for beginners
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Acoustic Guitar Lesson

Looking to learn the basics of playing the guitar? Look no further than Ravi Hutheesing’s instructional video on YouTube! In this comprehensive guide, Ravi covers everything you need to know to get started with playing the guitar, from holding the instrument correctly to strumming and picking techniques.

Learning the Acoustic Guitar Basics

First, Ravi demonstrates how to properly hold the guitar, showing viewers how to position their hands and fingers for maximum comfort and control. He also explains the importance of good posture and proper hand placement, ensuring that beginners develop good habits from the start.

Next, Ravi moves on to basic chords and strumming patterns. He breaks down each chord into easy-to-follow steps, showing viewers exactly where to place their fingers and how to strum them effectively. He starts with simple chords like A and C, gradually progressing to more complex ones like G and Am. This approach allows beginners to build confidence and skill as they work through the lesson.

In addition to chords, Ravi also covers essential picking techniques that every guitarist should master. He shows viewers how to use a pick and fingerpick, providing tips and tricks and everything you will need to get started. Check out the Online Courses channel or the Advanced Acoustic Lesson here.

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